Centrelink Earnings Verification

To access this function, you must login as a user with an Administrator role. See Company Roles for more information

This function is designed to produce an electronic Earnings Report for those employees who have given their consent for their pay details to be uploaded to Centrelink. This enables you to respond to an earnings request from Centrelink.

The system generates an XML file in the format required by Centrelink, and will contain details of required employees and specific dates. This file can then be loaded into HR3pay and used to generate an EER, or Earnings Verification Report, based on the employee's earnings history.

Generating an Earnings Verification for Centrelink:

Before you start you will need to ensure that the following required files are in your working folder or in the location where you will be creating the export file:

  • empEarnDetails.dtd
  • empEarnRequests.dtd
  • empVrfnDetails.dtd

(If you do not have these files, you will need to ask Centrelink for them.)

Ensure that the earnings request file provided by Centrelink is saved into your working folder, or the location where you will be creating the export file.

  1. From Navigator select Payroll | Payrun | Centrelink Earnings Verification.
    The Payrun wizard will open showing the Centrelink Earning Verification Generation screen.
  2. To specify the Import Filename, click on the Browse button to select the earnings request file which has been provided by Centrelink. 
  3. A default Export File name has already been created for you. The location defaults to your current working folder. Click on the Browse button to select a different folder.
  4. When you are ready to proceed, click Generate. This creates the file in the specified location, from where you can transfer it to Centrelink.